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Creative Lens Photography by John R Johnson

Living in Rhode Island
          Supporting Southern New England
          Destinations by appointment

It all started as a hobby back in the mid 80's, a guy and his camera taking pictures of family, friends and places. Throughout the years and with the stress of life I expected my passion to die, but to my surprise it increased every day, and it became my haven.

I became more experienced especially with the birth of my daughters. I took joy in documenting every small and big step of their journey; Christmas, Birthday, Halloween, School and Prom pictures, social events, and even landscapes during family vacations.

Friends and family always relied on me to take pictures of any of their events, it became an unspoken rule that John will have his camera and will take great pictures.

Down the road, I decided to expand into more aspects of the field such as wedding, pets, fitness and I discovered that my joy and passion about capturing “the right” moment and the right picture never changed even though the subject is no longer revolving around my daughters. I owe it to them however to thank for preparing me in mastering the art of patience.

I can only be satisfied when I know I delivered what the client is looking for.

Feel free to call, text or email me at any time with any of your questions. If you are local and would like to meet for a consultation, I can do that as well.

Thanks for taking the time to read a little about me and I look forward learning about you!

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